Ron Phipps is an 84-year-old man who grew up without a father but was blessed with a loving and determined mother. One could say that his childhood was hardscrabble, and he barely finished high school. A year later, he flunked out of a community college. After breaking a leg playing a pick-up game of football at 19 and losing his job in a factory, he decided to join the Army. Leaving his high school girlfriend whom he married, he was stationed in Ethiopia for a year and a half. After being discharged from the Army, his wife urged him to try college again. Because of her extraordinary and loving support, he did. Several years later, he received his Doctor of Education degree from West Virginia University and became a college administrator. Today, he and his high school sweetheart, who have two wonderful sons, are celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary. They are Christians who know that God’s love guided their path.